Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Borean Tundra server Mists Day 1

The first day.  Had to wait for a delivery this morning so I took a few minutes to turn in 23 daily quests and visit all of the profession trainers, mental note, I forgot the First Aide trainer, I will hit that tonight when I have a chance to get online.

I have seen some posts of people going for realm firsts 90 are around level 88 right now, possibly 89, so almost 9 hours of non stop, fighting others, and racing to the next quest.  I salute you all for having what it takes to attempt something like that.  I did see a post from someone earlier,

LOL.  wow, and we are a low population server.  Feel sorry for the poor guy in the water, but I can imagine what the sky looked like to him.

A few people I know that have played a long time, since BC and Vanilla are saying so far the best expansion ever.  I just hope in 2 months they wont be saying the worst, and that looking back Cata was the best ever,  Time will tell.

Org, was a ghost town this moring, think I saw one level 11 Pandaran come through the front gates about 4 hours after launch.  I am sure there will be a bunch later when I get on.  I hope that later in the day many will be passed out and asleep so I can take some time to experience it all in peace.

Next stop a wild ride into the Mists.

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